
If you wish to support our missions, please click the button above to securely give online. When you click the button, you will have the option to also pay the processing fees with your payment, and you can even setup a recurring donation so that it will come out of your account at the same time every month.

Service Streaming

Our services are streamed live Saturday at 4:00 PM, and Sunday at 10:30 AM. Streams are available on our YouTube channel, and our Facebook Page. For the highest quality audio and video, we encourage you to watch live on our YouTube channel as it supports a higher quality feed than Facebook. While you are there, subscribe to the channel so you can be notified of when we go live.

In Person Attendance is Welcomed and Encouraged at all services.

Update Regarding COVID-19

With the current trend of COVID-19, you may wear a mask as you feel comfortable.

We are now streaming live on our YouTube Channel as well as Facebook!

If you would like to be notified when we post new content, please go to the channel, subscribe, and click the bell shaped notification icon and YouTube will automatically notify you when we post new videos.

Give to St. Bartholomew’s Fort Smith through Tithe.ly click the button below: